The case studies, collected by NAFIS revealed mainly medical complications, including infection, severe bleeding during the procedure and later during de-infibulation, irregular menstrual cycles, abdominal pain, complications during childbirth, and inability to urinate. And women accessing the FGM support center in Somaliland can change their attitudes toward FGM.
“Hamda, A 39-year-old mother of 8 children and living with a disability is totally against circumcision because of her horrible experiences. Hamda wasn’t just mutilated once, but twice due to her damaging the wound, the first time when she fell down. She was still nursing her wounds when a vaginal cyst developed.
Hamda felt shame and was reluctant to sick medical due to exposure to her condition. She found out about NAFIS support centers and arranged to meet a social worker. She said, “The worker was kind and provided her with counseling and medical support”. She also said she got access to health education and emotional support. After her training on the harmful effects of FGM practices, she aims to raise awareness in her community and share her experience”
During the community outreach organized by NAFIS Social workers, one of the mothers shared her experience.
“When she was a five-year-old girl, she underwent FGM/C twice, the first time there was no vaginal opening at all, and she could not urinate for several days. Then her mother called the circumcision again, when she came with her tools, put it on fire and when it was hot enough, she used it to open a very small part so the urine can pass out. Later on, when the girl started having a period, she feels a lot of pain. She used to spend two weeks with painful periods every month. Through her suffering, so she decided not to undertake her daughters to FGM/C because of my horrible experience.”